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As we go into this gift giving season. You will get what you want and things you don’t. I have received gifts that the wrapping may have been thrown on but the gift was priceless. Then again I received gifts where the wrapping was perfect and didn’t match the gift inside. Don’t get me wrong it is the thought that counts. It reminds me of the saying, never judge a book by it’s cover.

Let’s talk a little about the gift for this season. The gift that keeps on giving. A gift that started with a promise, a birth, that changed lives. When God makes you a promise its a gift and it will be priceless. Don’t worry about what it looks like. Just do what God says.

Transparent moment: When I was a child I was the one who walked around with a pillow in her shirt acting like she had a pregnant belly. I would wear my school book bag in the front to walk around like I was pregnant.

(Don’t ask me if I was serious) However, I remember when I first got saved I spoke to some folks about being artificially inseminated. I asked, what would that look like being I was saved? They said, shun the very appearance of evil. I said, but I could be another Mary. Some would say that’s not God and I’m not Mary. I even had friends telling me to get my eggs frozen. The funniest of them all was my mama, who wouldn’t respond at all. She knew her child. If you tell me I can’t do something I will make it my business to do it.

What do you do in a world that everyone has an opinion and you’re just trying to unwrap a gift?

Luke 1:13-37

When The Gift Is Priceless But The Wrapping Is Off.

Luke 1:13 An angel told Zacharias “fear not”, for thy “prayer is heard” your wife Elizabeth is going to bear you a son and “you will” call him John. You’re gonna be “happy” and “many” will rejoice. For this will be “great” in the “sight of the Lord”. Zacharias said, I am old how could this be and my wife she old too! The angel responded listen man, I’m just hear to tell you what God said the rest is none of my business! However, since you don’t believe what I’m saying let’s go down this road the long way.

Now we have Mary in Luke 1:27.  One day the same angel came to Mary said listen you are “highly favored” and “God is with you”!  You’re gonna have a son and you gonna name him Jesus. 

Mary said, how could this be I haven’t slept with no man. The angel responded, don’t worry God gonna do it!

For with God nothing shall be impossible!

I love Luke 1:45… “blessed is she that believed: for there shall be a performance of those things which were told her from the Lord.”

From what I can tell when a gift is from God, it comes with instructions and filled with great blessings. So don’t waiver, don’t overthink, and don’t question just follow the instructions.

What do you do when the gift comes with instructions? Open it!

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