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Let’s start off right!

Father God, we just want to say thank you! Thank you for revelation, inspiration and dedication.  We ask that you bless the eyes that come upon these words, give them a heart to receive, a mind to understand and the intentions to do something about it. Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer. Amen.

Ladies- “Are you a diamond in the ruff?”

Let me introduce myself. I’m the one that will tell you what you need to hear and not what you want to hear. Now that we understand each other let’s get down to the meat of it all.

Are you a diamond in the ruff? A diamond in the ruff is a metaphorical phrase and relates to the fact that naturally occurring diamonds are quite ordinary at first glance, and that their true beauty as jewels is only realized through the cutting and polishing process. Someone having exceptional qualities or potential but lacking refinement or polish.

I personally love diamonds. I love the sparkle but the next best thing for me is rubies.  Proverbs 31:10… for my price is far beyond rubies! DO YOU KNOW YOUR WORTH?

Do you talk to yourself? They say it’s ok to talk to yourself. It’s when you start answering yourself there’s a problem.  I beg to differ.  Look in the mirror and say “Who am I?” and say Psalm 139:14 …”I am fearfully and wonderfully made”. Deuteronomy 28:13…I am the head and not the tail, above and not beneath. I am the lender and not the borrower. 

Affirmations matter and affirmations of the word are even better!  “YOU MATTER”.

WAKE UP! Some of you have stopped dreaming. I speak to every dead thing in your life right now. Matthew 18:18 NASB “Truly I say to you, whatever you bind on earth shall have been bound in heaven; and whatever you loose on earth shall have been loosed in heaven. 

By the power of the holy spirit within me; I bind low self-esteem, I bind indecisiveness, I bind lack. And, I loose creativity, I loose discernment and I loose self-esteem.

Some women are steady waiting on Boaz.  I have news for you some people are nowhere close to being Ruth. So the chances of him coming are slim.  Personally, I wouldn’t be in such a rush to get Boaz because when Ruth got him he died not long after. I plan on keeping my man for a long time. (I digress!) But, give me Isaac a praying man who prayed his woman through. Seriously, any woman should look for a man with attributes of Boaz and Issac.  The biblical teaching of Boaz and Ruth teaches a man to have substance and a woman to be in a place to work what her man got. Did I mention “work”…let him find you working not lurking.  Then there’s Issac, a man who prays for you through tough times no matter how long it takes. 

You know there’s this IG page that shows surprise marriage proposals and I wonder how many of those ladies who said yes actually wanted to scream NO. Whether it was out of fear, biological clock ticking, loneliness, need for an automatic ATM they decided to go with Ismael instead of waiting for their Issac.  Some may see it differently but boo boo Ismael came along only because one person got tired of waiting and wanted to do something about it. Messed everything up. Issac was the promise all along.

Ladies, consider saying “I don’t” before you say “I do”. Love is more than a feeling.  It’s work. 

Proverbs 18:22 “Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the LORD.

I have news for you… it’s not that he finds you and wife’s you, that makes it a good thing. It’s that when he finds you, the good thing is you’re everything he needs you to be. Clearly the wife God needs him to have. 

Don’t look at other people’s lives because while you are staring at their grass you are missing the high water bill that comes along with it! 

Some women are happy with a man’s coming and going. I have news for you if a man stays out of fear he won’t stay very long.

There is something called the 80/20 rule. A man will leave a woman who gives him 80% for the woman who gives 20%. 80% will cook, clean, have children and anything else you want. While 20% comes and does that tiny thing the devil told you my 80%  won’t do. And, it’s not just the men the ladies do it too! You won’t pay attention to that 80% that will be faithful and work to pay the bills in a legal way so you’re provided for. Instead you’ll go with the 20%  because he is a little thuggish and comes with a thrill. 


In His Name,

Lady G

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