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No Church Left Behind

By November 26, 2022February 28th, 2023No Comments

There are several reasons why churches should consider educating their members on the importance of life insurance:

  1. Protecting Families: Life insurance can provide financial protection to families in the event of the unexpected death of a loved one. This can help ensure that children are able to continue their education and that families are able to maintain their standard of living.
  2. Responsible Stewardship: As stewards of the resources that God has given us, it is important for Christians to plan for the future and ensure that our families are taken care of. Life Insurance can be an important part of that planning.
  3. Biblical Principles: The Bible teaches the importance of providing for our families and being prepared for the future. Educating members about life insurance can help them to live out these principals in a practical way.
  4. Estate Planning: Life insurance can be an important tool in estate planning, allowing individuals to leave a financial legacy for their families and charitable causes.
  5. Peace of Mind: Knowing that their families are protected can give individuals peace of mind and allow them to focus on other areas of their lives.

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