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Life Insurance is important whether young or old. A baby should be insured from the time they’re born.  This helps build cash value for child’s education, first car, first home and even retirement. While teaching them financial literacy. Life Insurance is not wishing death on someone because death can not be stopped.  However, a policy can be used while you’re living.

Don’t have your family in a place

that they have to borrow from Peter

to pay Paul to bury YOU

Love is an action word. No one should have to grieve and stress how to bury you. The graveyard is full of people that went too early, not due to illness but stress.

A 30 year old parent leaves behind 2 year old child. Whoever becomes guardian could use the life insurance funds to care for the child. This say’s I left too early but I kept you in mind.

Don’t let waiting cost you. 

A father was in tears because he lost his daughter in a car accident. He was left with regrets on top of grief.  He said, I wish I’d purchased a policy for her. Instead I had to burn my child because I couldn’t afford to bury her.

Life Insurance can assist in paying bills when unable to work a 9-5 due to an illness.

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